Friday, July 29, 2011

Very important update

Hello everyone, I wanted to share a bit of very important news to all of my current patients.
If the first time you came to see me as a new patient for was at
7060 Erie Road as a part of The Brain and Spine Center, August 2008 - July 2011.
Unfortunately the
NYS Public Health Law, Section 18 prohibits me from bringing your file to the new office with me without a signed release from you.

What this means for you...

If you have a re-injury or new injury or simply need to schedule a routine office visit, I will not have your file or any of your records. The Brain and Spine Center cannot guarantee that they will be able to get your records of my care for your condition in any less than 5 days. It would likely be much more. This is not their fault, file copies take time.

I need your file!

Please come to the office anytime during my business hours or call 947-5106 and we can get a signed release on file and I can get your file back to its rightful location, where it needs to be. There is no need to schedule an appointment, hopefully you do not need one, but it is a great idea to be prepared, just in case you do in the future. Please spread the word to others that have been cared for by me in the past.

I thank all of your for your help with this.

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